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Kuvassa joku katsoo kännykkää kahvimuki toisessa kädessä. Kuvassa näkyy vain kädet ja taustalla kulkee ihmisiä.

Entry and tickets

2.-3.10.2024 Wed-Thu at 9 am – 5 pm, Messukeskus

Messualueen lavalla menossa esitys, yleisö seuraa, lavan edustalla jumppapalloja.

Enjoy free admission to the trade show

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation is a professional event. The trade show event is free for professionals.

Messukeskus is cashless

The most common debit and credit cards are used as means of payment. Please note this when you arrive at the event.

Services and accommodation

Services for visitors

Here you can find services ranging from clothes storage to first aid.


In Messukeskus you will find a wide selection of NoHo Partners’ restaurants, from Hanko Asia to Etelä Esplanadi’s Strindberg’s little sister, Lilla Strindberg.


Holiday Inn Helsinki Expo, which operates in connection with the exhibition center, offers its guests excellent services in a wonderful location.